Author: ayr

Dynamic displays

We love our A-frames on the sidewalk. They are cheap, easy to use, and effective (at least when my handwriting is legible). But as we

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OK DWY, it’s my fault. I told you all to test us, challenged you to challenge us. To our credit, I did say that we

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Help Clover

Hey guys, we don’t do this kind of thing very often. In fact, I’m not sure we ever have. But we need to ask you

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War on lines

So yesterday was the first day of our new battle. The goal: decimate the Dewey line. That’s right folks, we’re aiming to have no more

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7 Holyoke Bathrooms

Bathrooms are being built by our land lord, but they only wanted to promise painted walls. My belief is that the only thing that matters

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New bathrooms

Those are the bathrooms at 7 Holyoke. They are just the size they need to be, efficient, and (I hope) very clean. I’ve looked at

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New banks!

We’re moving on from Bank of America. Thank goodness. They have been awful on every front. I’d go into detail, but then you’d stop reading.

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Harvard Business Association

I met with Denise the other day, of the Harvard Square Business Association. There’s a ton of interesting history in Harvard Square, I’m slowly learning

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7 Holyoke Trash

Our landlord is wrapping up their major work. Still a bunch of systems for them to finish (gas, water, chilled/ hot water pipes, fire protection)

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